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15  Uninstalling the T.O.V.A. in Windows

There may be times when you’ll want to uninstall the T.O.V.A. . We’ve done our best to make that process simple and straight-forward.

WARNING! We always recommend that you back up your database before installing or uninstalling the T.O.V.A. . You can never be too careful!

  1. Go to your Control Panel and choose ‘Add/Remove Programs’, ‘Programs and Features’, or ‘Uninstall a Program’ (It depends on your version of Windows.) You will see a list of your installed programs, including ‘T.O.V.A. 9’.
  2. Highlight ‘T.O.V.A. 9’ and click on ‘Uninstall’ or ‘Remove’.
    Choose your uninstall options
  3. There are a few uninstall options:

    Note: Even a clean uninstall will not remove the .NET Framework or the Java Runtime Environment (if installed with a previous T.O.V.A. version). You can select and uninstall those separately, but we do not always recommend it. They may be required for other software you have installed.

    Click ‘Next’ when you have selected your options.

  4. Uninstall details - The next page shows the progress of the uninstall. When the uninstall is complete, click ‘Close’ to exit the uninstaller.
Details of the uninstall

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